Join in on the fun, education, fellowship, and excitement of ARTrails!
- Become an ARTrails Artist! — Application below
- Become an ART Enthusiast, Partner, or Patron
Become an ARTrails Artist
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of ARTrails of Southwest Washington!
ARTrails provides an opportunity for member artists to increase awareness of the arts as a
significant part of community life, promote their work, and provide an enjoyable and inspiring
educational experience for the public.
Juried membership in ARTrails is required to participate in our annual studio tour. If you
have never juried for a show, or if you want to brush up on your skills, ARTrails has a Jury
Workshops in October and January. Follow us on Facebook/Instagram for dates.
Select “Word” or “PDF” below to download ARTrails artist application.
Word PDF
The application deadline is February 1st
Email completed applications to artrailsmembership@gmail.com
To apply, open the application above and return as instructed on the form.
If you would like to pay the jury fee online, click the Add to Cart button to pay the $15 jury fee.
Questions? Please contact us.